構造生物 Vol.3 No.2

The Prefabricated House TARA SAKABE Research Project
for the User of BL6B called TARA Beam Line in the Photon Factory


Foundation for Advancement of htemational Science(FAIS)

The prefabricated house(TARA House) was constructed near the PF ring sponced by the fourteen industries , mainly phermaceutical companies in order to progress three dimensional structure analysis of medically important proteins in highly cornpetitive field in the world.

Normally the PF user of protein crystallography of bealn line BL6A and BL18B must book beam time before two monthes, however our new booking system using INTERNET of BL6B with Weissenberg canrera and large formated imaging plate allows to decide a user time before 13 days of the beam time and also book the bed room in TARA house.

The design of this house is shown in Fig 1(a) and 1(b) , and colour photographs of the room are shown in the home page of this project :

