構造生物 Vol.5 No.1

The Hope For Structural Biology

Asao Murai

Analytical Chemistry Department Central Research Laboratories, Ajinomoto Co. Inc.

On an occasion of a visiting the Vatican Museum of Vatican City during a tour of Italy, I casually noticed that the staircase which leads directly to the third floor from the entrance was double-helical. Persons go up and go down never meet each other on the staircase. Then it came to my mind that which end is 5'- or 3'- and whether Watson and Crick had a chance of going up this spiral stairs, and supposed (at my own please) that Linus Pauling had not come here .

At the same time, I imagined the advance of science and its influence upon the industrial world. The discovery of the double helical structure of DNA by Watson and Crick opened a big door of molecular biology, which originated in understanding the whole activity of cells by the term of molecular behaviour. It is widely recognized that the advance' of molecular biology hereafter gave the great impact upon the various field of society, for instances, the innovation of medicine and agriculture, increase of bio-ventures, and even upon the philosophie of understanding the human being and their society. Structural biology is considered to be a necessary result of developement of molecular biology as well. The circumstances we are now standing, where the elucidation of structure of macromolecules like proteins by the advanced methods of X-ray diffraction and NMR spectroscopy is rushing on and consequently clarifying an activity of life in the spot of living cell seems to be scientifically very interesting period. At the same time, now is the time where purely scientific results are rapidly transformed to industrial products and is changing the society. As a person in the field of industrial research, I believe that this synchrotron radiation project of TARA between the university and the industries will realize the hope of the present world.

It is as much as 50 years ago that structural biology originated. The time corresponds to only the last 0.1 seconds of a year by the Sagan calendar in which the history of the universe from the big-ban through now is set to one year. In comparison with the birth of mankind, that is 10:30 pm of 3lst of December, this is just a moment (even dinosaur was born on 26th of December and lived to 4 days). On this viewpoint, it seems possible that in the next 0.1 to 0.2 seconds (within the next 2lst century), a very large area of our society will receive the benefit of the advance of structural biology in the same way as the advance of another field of science have done. It is essential that the industrial world bear and support a part of these processes. There must be left many frontiers of structural biology that have to be developed by industrial research.
